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Semiconductor wafer chucks and pedestals

Semiconductor wafer chucks and pedestals

Products include BALINIT DYLYN for wear and contamination reduction and tunable electrical properties. Others include Y₂O₃ for etch-resistance, as well as TiN and CrN for wear and electrical conductivity

Javasolt megoldás Bevonat anyaga Bevonatolási technológia Bevonat keménység HIT [GPa] Súrlódási együttható acéllal (szárazon) Max. üzemi hőm. [°C] Eljárás hőmérséklete
a-C:H:Si PACVD ~ 15-25 0.05 - 0.2 350 < 220
TiN Arc 30 ±3 ~0,6 600 < 500

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