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A customised and integrated service to realise unmatched gear cutting tool performance


Stable manufacturing processes and high cost savings for gear manufacturers.

Cutting tools for gear components are evermore stressed. With higher cutting speeds and extended operating time, automotive manufacturers and suppliers try to hold against the pressure on costs in production. Obviously, tolerances still need to be adhered too.

With primeGear it is possible to reduce manufacturing costs for gearing components by up to 40%, while providing the same or even better quality. This is possible due to Oerlikon Balzers’ Know-How of 70 years as leading supplier for surface solutions, and the integral concept of primeGear.

primeGear: consulting, process optimisation and tailored tool treatment

primeGear is an all-round service package consisting of detailed analysis, consultation and tailored solutions for production. From treating tools and establishing optimal machining/ environmental conditions to the basic materials and designs, Oerlikon Balzers’ experts determine the crucial improvements which can be made in the production chain. Together with you we identify and eliminate the weak links in the tool life cycle:

  • Surface treatment
  • Cutting process
  • Tool handling
  • Resharpening

The resulting optimisations, together with the appropriate coatings, pre- and post-treatment and a range of additional enhancements, help manufacturers achieve remarkable savings.

Trust our detailed analysis and personal consulting

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