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Beyond Surfaces #2 - Technology & Innovation

Co łączy pasję z technologią? Więcej dowiesz się w drugim wydaniu naszego magazynu dla klientów!

Beyond Surfaces #2 - Technology & Innovation

W tym numerze BEYOND SURFACES skupimy się na „Technologii i innowacji”. Pracownicy Oerlikon Balzers i Oerlikon Metco nieustannie pracują nad rozwojem nowych technologii i rozwiązań, aby spełnić potrzeby naszych klientów. Pokażemy jakie jest źródło tej pasji i w jaki sposób przekuwamy ją w rynkowe innowacje.

W jaki sposób nauka i przemysł współpracują w celu rozwoju przyszłościowych technologii powlekania; jak inteligentne rozwiązania powłokowe przyspieszają samochody wyścigowe; jak wsparliśmy rozwiązanie obróbki cieplnej w jednej z największych na świecie pras kuźniczych - zaskoczymy Cię fascynującymi historiami o tym jak my i nasi klienci stosują rozwiązania dla powierzchni!

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Przyszłościowe technologie powlekania

Wywiad z dr. Pierangelo Gröning z Empa, Szwajcarskiego Instytutu Badawczego Nauki o Materiałach i Technologii

Coatings are found everywhere and it has become impossible to imagine our modern world without them. Some of them are obvious, but others are hardly recognizable. Dr Pierangelo Gröning is head of the department for ‘ModernMaterials and Surfaces’ as well as president of the research commission of Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology. He deals with coatings day in and day out – and was available to BEYOND SURFACES for an interview.

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Przyciąganie utalentowanych osób do branży

Nagroda Young Professionals przyznawana przez Oerlikon Metco

To the Oerlikon Surface Solutions Segment, social responsibility also means commitment to the next generation. By sponsoring the Young Professionals Award, Oerlikon Metco supports young individuals at universities to inspire future innovative scientists worldwide to prosper in surface technology endeavors. BEYOND SURFACES met Emine Bakan, who won the award in 2013, and this year’s award recipient Amanda Wang, and asked them about the impact the OMYPA has had in their professional lives.

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Przytłaczająca masa

Scot Forge, BALITHERM IONIT i jedna z największych pras kuźniczych świata

16’500 US tons or nearly 15’000 metric tonnes: this is the almost unbelievable force generated by the new forging press from Scot Forge, a specialist in the area of heavy-duty open-die forging. It is one of the biggest presses in the world and didn’t only present the developers at Scot Forge with a number of challenges, but also the heat treatment experts from Oerlikon Balzers. This is because the press’s four main cylinder rods alone each weigh 25 US tons (22 tonnes) and thereby count amongst the biggest parts ever treated by Oerlikon Balzers.

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Droga do industrializacji

Wywiad o wytwarzaniu przyrostowym

Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, has the potential to significantly change the way manufacturing is done in industry: The increasing industrialization of additive manufacturing is altering the manner in which industrial processes are being carried out. More and more companies are already experimenting with 3D printing. Now, Oerlikon is also entering the AM business. Florian Mauerer, Head of the Business Unit ‘Additive Manufacturing’, provides some insights.

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Z powłokami szybciej u celu

Oerlikon Balzers i Oerlikon Metco na trasie z dwiema drużynami Formula Student

Silverstone, Hockenheim, Spielberg. Roaring engines, fast cars, hot asphalt. The nerves of drivers in the paddock are strung taut as the last fine tuning is carried out on their cars. What’s at stake are points – and honour. Because, even if it sounds and feels like Formula 1, the prize money at the Formula Student is the experience of putting theoretical knowledge from the lecture hall into practice. And having a blast doing it. Oerlikon Balzers and Oerlikon Metco are at the track too.

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Niewyobrażalnie gładko

BALITHERM PRIMEFORM zapewnia idealną, wysoko polerowaną powierzchnię w Gigaset

The sound of the name Gigaset is renowned in the communications industry. Europe’s market leader for DECT telephones stands out through top quality and design. Tools treated with BALITHERM PRIMEFORM ensure perfect, high-gloss surfaces on finished plastic parts and shorten production cycle durations as well as the time required for maintenance.

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Petra Ammann

Petra Ammann

Head of Communications Oerlikon Balzers

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