

从 1946 年我们的创始直至今日:阅览我们的历史。

1946 - 2021:从一个创意到全球技术领导者

75 年以来,欧瑞康巴尔查斯代表的是薄膜涂层领域中的先驱发展和占据全球技术的领导地位。我们一直致力于表面处理解决方案,并体现将可持续性、创新驱动、进取精神与传统融为一体的独特特色。无论过去、现在还是未来,我们一直给我们的客户以及环境带来诸多益处。

探索欧瑞康巴尔查斯的 75 年历史

巴尔查斯首款应用于工具的 PVD 硬质涂层——BALINIT® A——正式在 1978 年 9 月 1 日诞生了。从那时起,欧瑞康巴尔查斯便开始了史无前例的成功,从世界涂层的先驱,到市场的领军者。



在王子 Franz Josef 二世和瑞士企业家 Emil Georg Bührle 的支持下,Max Auwärter 教授成立了巴尔查斯工具制造研究所


  • 在王子 Franz Josef 二世和瑞士企业家 Emil Georg Bührle 的支持下,Max Auwärter 教授成立了巴尔查斯工具制造研究所

巴尔查斯决定为手表行业开发防刮擦的金色 PVD 涂层

Oerlikon-Bührle Holding AG 成为公司的独资经营者

TiN 涂层成型工具的首次试验成功(服务寿命提高了 4 倍)

9 月 1 日,正式批准对工具的PVD 硬质涂层 BALINIT® A的开发和营销








BALINIT® B 氮化钛涂层问世。


BALINIT® C (WC/C) 碳涂层问世


巴尔查斯转型为不含 CFC,超声波清洗。








BALINIT 涂层的零部件用在世界上首款批量生产的 3 升汽车 (VW Lupo 3L TDI)

BALINIT® DLC 碳涂层的问世。 Oerlikon-Bührle Holding 公司易名为“Unaxis”。




BALINIT® CNI 氮化铬涂层问世


新一代涂层“Generation 6”问世。 巴尔查斯庆祝 BALINIT®诞生 25 周年。 波兰,葡萄牙和荷兰的首家涂层中心

“Generation 6”的首款氮化铬铝涂层问世:BALINIT® ALCRONA

中国和匈牙利的首家涂层中心 用于成型工具的《巴尔查斯涂层指南》出版


“Generation 6”的第二款铬铝基涂层:BALINIT® HELICA. 用于大体积涂层的新涂层系统 RS 90。 阿根廷和加拿大的首家涂层中心 高级 BALINIT® 碳涂层:BALINIT® DLC STAR

以专有的 P3e™专利 技术实现了技术突破,可以在涂层温度明显低于 600°C 时沉积硬质氧化铝​​涂层

捷克共和国的首家涂层中心。 2006 年 9 月 1 日,巴尔查斯改称欧瑞康巴尔查斯涂层,并致力于承继其百年工业历史和欧瑞康公司的传统优势。

推出了具有双重结构的新型定制涂层 BALINIT® ALDURA。罗马尼亚和土耳其的第一家涂层中心成立

收购位于德国绍普夫海姆的 VST Keller。VST Keller 为欧瑞康集团带来了创新和环保的 PPD™ 技术。


另外四家涂层中心在亚洲成立。 2008 年,欧瑞康巴尔查斯在其历史上首次达到了超过 5 亿瑞士法郎的销售额。

在日本开设第 5 家涂层中心,在印度开设第 5 家涂层中心,在中国开设第 7 家涂层中心

俄罗斯第一家涂层中心——位于莫斯科附近的埃列克特罗斯塔利,于 3 月开始投产

收购位于德国的 hartec 集团——一个 PVD 涂层专家。Hartec 以其用于塑料的装饰性和功能性涂层的独特环保 PVD 技术而闻名。

以专有的 S3p专利 技术实现技术突破

S3p® 是工业化的以及经济上可行的巴尔查斯 HiPIMS 解决方案。 推出快速、精确、灵活、紧凑的新涂层系统 INGENIA. 市场引入了BALINIT® PERTURA ——用于所有钻削应用的一站式涂层,提高了生产率和工艺可靠性。 第一座脉冲等离子体扩散(PPD)工厂的涂层中心在亚洲的韩国釜山扩展和实施。 在重庆和济南开设第八和第九家中国涂层中心,并在肯杰任科兹莱开设第三家波兰涂层中心。

第 88 家涂层中心在马来西亚成立,这也是全球巴尔查斯网络的第 33 个国家

2013年在德国汉诺威举办的 EMO 展会上介绍了基于 S3p 技术的 BALIQ 涂层。

欧瑞康巴尔查斯独特的涂层网络如今囊括 34 个国家的 93 个地方。


2014 年 6 月3日,欧瑞康宣布成功从苏尔寿公司收购美科。 美科和欧瑞康现有的涂层业务的结合,在表面处理事业板块CEO—Roland Herb 的领导下,将成为表面处理解决方案的全球技术领导者。


在有众多荣誉嘉宾和客户出席的盛大开幕式上,欧瑞康巴尔查斯开设了他们第一个面对汽车领域的欧洲涂层技术中心。 Veľká Ida 的新工厂位于斯洛伐克主要城市 Košice 附近,是欧瑞康巴尔查斯汽车市场整体战略的一部分。

EMO 2015:欧瑞康巴尔查斯展示了用于超快齿轮切削的 PVD 涂层——BALINIT ALTENSA

极高的切削速度,最大化的生产率,更长的使用寿命——,这些都是欧瑞康巴尔查斯开发的ALINIT ALTENSA AlCrN基涂层的实际测试结果,用于推动汽车和机械工程应用的开创性趋势。随着 BALINIT ALTENSA 在意大利米兰的 EMO 2015 展会上首次亮相,汽车制造商和供应商已经在广泛的齿轮切削应用领域上反馈了本产品极佳的效果。

EMO 2015:欧瑞康巴尔查斯推出了高产率的 INNOVENTA mega 涂层系统

新的 INNOVENTA mega 也重新定义了生产率的基准。现在是产品组合中最大的涂层系统,实现了铣刀或钻头等工具极高的吞吐量:正常情况下平均批次处理时间少于 5 小时。它可以容纳高度为 1 米或以上,摆动直径为 96 厘米 的工件。允许的负载重量高达 3000 公斤,它是用于涂层大体积模具或圆锯片的理想平台。 INNOVENTA mega 可以实现 BALINIT 涂层的所有功能,也可以实现各种应用的定制涂层设计。此外还有快速调试,简易的可操作性和高水准的可重复生产性等特点。最关键的是,INNOVENTA mega 理想的补充了巴尔查斯更紧凑的 INNOVA 和 INGENIA 系统。

Launch of BALINIT FORMERA / FORMERA PLUS – the coating solution for AHSS forming applications


欧瑞康巴尔查斯在韩国的光州开设了第五个客户中心。“韩国是一个名副其实的欧瑞康巴尔查斯成功故事。在繁荣的光州成立这个新中心将会使我们能够为成型工具/家用行业以及汽车行业的客户提供更好的短期交付服务”,欧瑞康表面处理事业板块的工具解决方案业务单元的负责人 Marc Desrayaud 说。



70 年的创新

1946 年,“工具制造研究所”在巴尔查斯成立。Max Auwärter 教授,列支敦士登 Franz Josef 二世和企业家 Emil G.Bührle 萌生了革命性的想法-在薄膜涂层领域开发生产工艺并且自己制造工业实施所需的设备。因此,工艺和设备首次合体,同时得到供应和销售——一个70 多年以来异常成功的业务模式。

Oerlikon Balzers takes over French coating specialist DMX

DMX's expertise allows us to further strengthen our position as market leader in the market of high-precision medical components as well as in the rapidly growing market of forming tools. Those are our two key market segments.

Launch of BALIQ UNIQUE – When art meets innovation

Oerlikon Balzers announces the Design Line range

Launch of INLENIA coating systems - for ultra smooth surfaces

Oerlikon Balzers achieves Nadcap accreditation in Guelph

Oerlikon Balzers acquires Primateria

Oerlikon Balzers launches BALIFOR M, an MoN coating

Oerlikon Balzers wins the A3TS Innovation Award 2017 with BALIFOR M

Oerlikon Balzers launches BALIFOR T, ta-C coating

Launch of BALINIT TURBINE PRO – a turbine blade coating

Oerlikon acquires Finnish surface engineering company DIARC Technology Oy

Oerlikon has acquired DIARC Technology Oy, a provider of surface engineering technologies and services in Finland. The acquisition will enhance the range of technologies provided by Oerlikon Balzers in the automotive and precision components industries and expand its portfolio of surface treatments.

Oerlikon acquires Swiss CVD equipment manufacturer Sucotec AG

Oerlikon has acquired Sucotec AG, a Swiss manufacturer specializing in CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition) equipment for the tools market. The acquisition enhances the range of products and services provided by Oerlikon Balzers, which focuses on PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) and PACVD (Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition).

Oerlikon Balzers opens doors of largest coating centre for tools in Europe

Coating specialist Oerlikon Balzers opened its new plant in Bielefeld with a two-day event attended by guests – both customers and experts – from the areas of politics and the economy. The coating centre combines the expertise from three previous locations on a floor space of 6,000 square metres with cutting edge surface technologies for machining, forming and plastics processing. Customers from many different sectors are to benefit, from the automotive and pharmaceutical industries to tool making.

Oerlikon Balzers and Oerlikon Metco, Friction Systems, inaugurate joint production facility in Nagoya, Japan

The Oerlikon Group, a leading global technology provider of market-leading technologies and services, announced the inauguration of a new production plant in Nagoya, Japan, on June 7. The company will leverage synergies to further strengthen the excellent market position of Oerlikon Balzers and Oerlikon Metco Friction Systems in Japan’s top car manufacturing industry area.

Oerlikon Balzers opens largest production centre in Slovakia for heat treatment of automotive components

Oerlikon Balzers, a leading provider of surface solutions, has inaugurated its second production centre in Veľká Ida, Slovakia. The new plant marks another stage in Oerlikon’s growth strategy in the automotive industry, a major investment which meets the highest quality and environmental standards and offers automotive manufacturers state-of-the-art heat treatment processes. Together with the service centre opened in 2015, the Veľká Ida plant now represents Oerlikon Balzers' largest and most important site for coating and heat treating of automotive components.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces primeGear, a customised and integrated service package to realise unmatched gear cutting tool performance

primeGear is an all-round service package consisting of detailed analysis, consultation and tailored solutions for production. From treating tools and establishing optimal machining/ environmental conditions to the basic materials and designs, Oerlikon Balzers’ experts determine the crucial improvements which can be made in the production chain.

Oerlikon Balzers expands automotive surface treatment portfolio with heat treatment acquisition in Germany

Oerlikon, a leading provider of surface solutions, has signed and closed a targeted acquisition in Germany to expand its plasma nitriding service offering for customers and to strengthen its position in the automotive market. Härterei Dipl.- Ing. Peter Eicker KG (Eicker), a specialised heat treatment supplier for the automotive industry, will now operate under the Oerlikon Balzers brand.

Oerlikon Balzers inaugurates largest customer centre in India in the presence of guests of honour

On 12 October, Oerlikon Balzers India, a leading provider of surface solutions, inaugurated its largest Indian production centre in Manesar in the presence of Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein and Dr Doris Frick, the Ambassador of Liechtenstein in Switzerland. The new facility represents a further major commitment by Oerlikon Balzers to the Indian market as it continues to grow, and this significant investment in the future and in India will allow Oerlikon Balzers to serve its customers across various industries even more effectively.

Launch INNOVENTA kila at JIMTOF: The next level of flexibility, productivity and connectivity when it comes to PVD coatings!

For JIMTOF Oerlkon Balzers launch INNOVENTA kila. INNOVENTA kila has the preferred coating system size for most production requirements and perfectly masters smaller to larger quantities. The successor of the best-selling INNOVA meets all your expectations with compelling elegance. It's the perfect coating system for tools, and also R&D. Entirely compatible with the INNOVENTA family.

Oerlikon Balzers receives Qualified Supplier status for BALINIT C coatings on copper alloys

Oerlikon deepens partnership with Airbus: Oerlikon Balzers receives Qualified Supplier status for BALINIT C coatings on copper alloys.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces BALIMED medical coatings

Oerlikon Balzers introduced its new BALIMED portfolio, comprising seven highly advanced coatings that meet the demanding requirements of today’s medical instruments and components industry. These low-friction and wear-resistant ThinFilm coatings offer higher cost efficiency and contribute to improved patient outcomes thanks to their biocompatible, antimicrobial and chemically inert properties.

Oerlikon Balzers continues expansion with new customer centre in China

Oerlikon Balzers held the Grand Opening Ceremony with guests of honour and customers to inaugurate its new coating centre in Dongguan, China. A much larger production space was required in Dongguan in order to process the rapidly growing order volume of recent years. Oerlikon Balzers started its coating business in China in 2004. The new customer centre is now the second largest in China.

Oerlikon Balzers opens new Customer Centre and celebrates 20 year in Mexico

On 4 April 2019, Oerlikon Balzers opened a new customer centre in Querétaro, Mexico. At the opening ceremony Oerlikon Balzers Mexico also celebrated its 20-year anniversary with customers and guests of honour. This new site represents another key milestone in Oerlikon Balzers’ growth strategy, as it allows the company to respond to the increased demand from the automotive industry for its sustainable highquality coatings and heat treatments.

Oerlikon Balzers builds Competence Centre for sustainable metallisation of plastics with a chrome look

On 7 May 2019, Oerlikon Balzers laid the foundation stone for its new Competence Centre in Bisingen, Germany. Once open in April 2020, components made from plastic, primarily for the automotive sector, will be metallised with a chrome look using sustainable ePD technology on a site covering several thousand square metres. More than 100 new jobs will be created at the Bisingen Competence Centre, which will enable Oerlikon Balzers to meet the high demand and ever increasing requirements of its customers from the automotive sector.

Oerlikon Balzers celebrates 15-year anniversary in China

Oerlikon Balzers has celebrated the 15th anniversary of its first Chinese customer centre in Suzhou. The company started production in China back in 2004 with 20 employees and has grown rapidly over the years, today boasting 13 customer centres and several hundred employees. The management invited the team members from the very beginning for a special anniversary dinner to celebrate their unique contribution over the last 15 years.

Oerlikon Balzers inaugurates two customer centres in Sweden

in 2019, Oerlikon Balzers opened two new customer centres in Sweden, the first in Eriksberg on 28 May and the second in Köping a day later. With these two new customer centres, Oerlikon Balzers is pursuing its strategy of being as close as possible to its customers, which shortens delivery times and routes, improves customer service and helps the company reduce its carbon footprint.

Oerlikon Balzers launches BALINIT MILUBIA and BALINIT NALUBIA

Ceramic seal discs in sanitary fittings, pneumatic valves, ceramic shafts and pump bearings as well as components in pumps and compressors are exposed to extreme friction over a long period of time. To keep these devices running reliably for longer, Oerlikon Balzers has developed BALINIT MILUBIA and BALINIT NALUBIA; hydrogen-free hard carbon coatings that protect components against wear from frequent use and at elevated temperatures.

Oerlikon Balzers hosted the first Oerlikon Balzers Surface Solutions Symposium

The first Surface Solutions Symposium for Precision Components attracted 75 attendees, among them customers and industry thought leaders, who met to network and share their perspectives on what will shape the future of component coatings across a number of different industries.

欧瑞康巴尔查斯推出的BALINIT TISAFLEX使难切削材料得加工达到极高水准

欧瑞康巴尔查斯的BALINIT TISAFLEX是一种高端涂层解决方案,能提供卓越的抗氧化性,热稳定性和耐磨性。随着钛合金、镍基合金、不锈钢等难切削材料的加工正越来越多地被应用于航空航天和3C(计算机、通信、消费电子)等行业,使其成为加工这些挑战性材料的理想选择。


欧瑞康巴尔查斯开发了全新的非晶态无氢的碳基(a-C)涂层BALIQ CARBOS 和BALIQ CARBOS STAR,完美地将高硬度,低摩擦度和低粗糙度特性相结合,以满足极限接触压力和高速滑动的使用环境。


欧瑞康巴尔查斯荣获由博世颁发的“零缺陷证书”,以表彰其在2018 年提供最高品质的零部件涂层。欧瑞康巴尔查斯为世界领先的汽车行业供应商提供零缺陷产品,并为其在质量上的持续改进做出了巨大的贡献。

SUCOTEC: 欧瑞康巴尔查斯向工具行业推出全新的CVD设备

欧瑞康巴尔查斯在EMO 2019展会上推出了针对工具市场的三种不同尺寸的新型CVD(化学气相沉积)设备:SUCOTEC kila、mega和giga。SUCOTEC是对欧瑞康巴尔查斯现有的以PVD(物理气相沉积)和PACVD(等离子体辅助化学气相沉积)技术主导的产品和服务范围的补充。

BALIQ AUROS:针对螺纹加工刀具的高端涂层解决方案

针对高品质的螺纹加工刀具,欧瑞康巴尔查斯将展示其全新的高性能BALIQ AUROS涂层,通过将极其光滑和耐磨的 AlCrN 基涂层与顶部涂层相结合,来防止刀具表面和工件之间的冷焊, 最终优化性能并提高工艺的可靠性。



欧瑞康巴尔查斯庆祝法国利摩日赛车运动客户中心成立30 周年




欧瑞康巴尔查斯推出了METAPLAS.DOMINO kila flex涂层设备

METAPLAS.DOMINO kila flex的双门设计,使其具有极高的灵活性,可实现快速装载和卸载,并可升级为自动装载和卸载。

Oerlikon acquired diamond coating technology leader, D-Coat, in Germany

Oerlikon has acquired D-Coat GmbH, a leading provider of diamond coating technology in Germany. The acquisition expands Oerlikon Balzers’ portfolio of surface treatment technologies, especially for cutting tools applied in the aerospace and automotive industries.

New global Competence Centre for PDC (Plastic Design Components) opens in Bisingen, Germany

Now that the new site has been commissioned, we can offer job coating of plastic injection moulded components for a wide range of industries, including the automotive, consumer goods and household appliance sectors: Metallised plastic coatings based on our ePD technology. As well, the Bisingen Competence Centre will mainly be responsible for the sale of INUBIA coating systems and will provide support for interested customers when designing, setting up and commissioning their own coating facilities. This includes coating and product development, as well as conceptual design of overall production processes.

  • Oerlikon Balzers Competence Centre Bisingen
  • Oerlikon Balzers Competence Centre Bisingen

欧瑞康巴尔查斯为汽车OEM提供第一款INUBIA B15设备,用于金属化外部塑料部件

具有金属光泽、哑光表面和镀铬外观的高质量塑料部件广泛应用于许多行业,它们提供特别的功能特性并为产品增加价值。 INUBIA B6和B15 PVD涂层系统可以对塑料部件进行金属化处理,并符合REACH要求,不使用有害物质。它们提供光滑、有光泽和无划痕的涂层,具有高耐磨性和高附着力,适用于各种聚合物。

Airbus qualifies Oerlikon Balzers’ high-end coating system for REACH-compliant component coatings using BALINIT C

Oerlikon Balzers has received qualification from Airbus for its RS 50 coating system, which uses the latest carbon coating technology. The RS 50 is located in Ferrières-en-Brie near Paris, a major Aerospace certified production facility of Oerlikon Balzers. The coating system has been selected and approved by Airbus to secure REACH-compliant PVD coatings with BALINIT C.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces REACH-compliant BALINIT PROTEC coating for industrial gas turbine compressors

Three key factors can impair performance of industrial gas turbine compressors: Solid Particle Erosion (SPE), Water Droplet Erosion (WDE) and corrosion of turbine blades. If undetected, these problems will reduce efficiency and increase costs for operators of power generation plants. BALINIT PROTEC from Oerlikon Balzers, is a REACH-compliant coating specifically developed to make industrial gas turbine compressors significantly more efficient and protect against corrosion and erosion.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces BALIMED TICANA coating for dental abutments and instruments

Oerlikon Balzers has introduced BALIMED TICANA, a PVD coating specifically designed for dental abutments and instruments that meets the stringent requirements of modern dentistry. The innovative coating is the same colour as human gums, which makes it discreet, and it also offers functional properties that help ensure patients get the very best long-term healthcare. The new BALIMED TICANA coating represents another step forward in Oerlikon Balzers’ growth strategy in the medical industry.

Oerlikon Balzers France awarded Nadcap Merit Status

Oerlikon Balzers has received Nadcap Merit Status for all the coating technology used in its customer centre Ferrières-en-Brie, France. The Merit Status means a less frequent audit schedule and is “a sign of trust in the ongoing commitment to quality”, according to the Performance Review Institute, which administers Nadcap.

Oerlikon Balzers opens new application support centre for pre- and post-treatment in Sweden

Oerlikon Balzers has opened a new application support centre in Uppsala, Sweden, for the pre- and post-treatment of cutting tools for the automotive industry. Not only does the new location give customers an information and consulting centre: it also serves as a training centre for new employees and apprentices, so that Oerlikon Balzers staff can keep up-to-date with the latest pre- and post-treatment technology and offer first-class service to customers around the world.

Oerlikon Balzers receives GreenCo Certification and Platinum Quality Excellence Award in India

Oerlikon Balzers India has received GreenCo Silver Certification from the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and has been awarded first prize (Platinum) in the Quality Excellence competition organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI). These awards recognise Oerlikon Balzers’ contribution towards an ecologically sustainable business model and to improving the customer experience by providing quality goods and services in India.

Oerlikon Balzers recognised by Bosch as Best Supplier of Surface Treatments

Oerlikon Balzers has received the Bosch “Best Supplier of Surface Treatments” award for 2019. The company was recognised for providing excellent quality with its high-end coatings applied to precision components for the world’s leading automotive supplier.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces new BALORA portfolio featuring the next generation of MCrAlY coatings based on PVD Arc technology

Oerlikon Balzers has introduced its new BALORA portfolio of coatings which offers revolutionary properties for applications in high-temperature environments, such as in the aerospace and power generation markets. The first coating from the new portfolio, BALORA PVD MCrAlY, represents the next generation of high-density MCrAlY coatings, which use Oerlikon Balzers’ proven PVD Arc surface and equipment technologies to form an outstanding barrier against oxidation and hot corrosion inside the hot section of turbines.





欧瑞康巴尔查斯推出了 BALINIT DURANA,这是一种适用于要求严苛的加工应用的多功能涂层。

AlTiN 基和 TiSiXN 层的组合使 BALINIT DURANA 即使在极端的工作温度下也具有高度的延展性和卓越的耐磨性。量身定制的涂层结构及其特性可减少磨料磨损。客户将受益于性能显著提高的切削刀具和高于平均水平的刀具寿命。

欧瑞康巴尔查斯推出全新 BALDIA 高品质金刚石涂层产品组合

金刚石具有特殊性能:由于其无与伦比的硬度并具有极强的耐磨性、导热性和化学惰性,使其成为加工高磨蚀性基材的最佳选择。BALDIA 产品组合中的金刚石涂层提高了切削性能,并允许以最严格的公差制造零件,以实现最高的加工精度。


欧瑞康巴尔查斯在莫斯科开设了一个新的修磨中心,以满足全球和当地客户对其高端切削刀具修磨服务的需求,包括重涂和交付。凭借在俄罗斯的新涂层中心,欧瑞康巴尔查斯现在在欧洲、北美和南美以及亚洲的 18 个国家/地区设有修磨重涂服务中心。

欧瑞康收购 Coeurdor进军不断增长的奢侈品市场

欧瑞康宣布成功收购 Coeurdor。Coeurdor 是一家为快速发展的奢侈品行业提供全方位服务的领先供应商。Coeurdor 是知名品牌和全方位服务供应商,为世界领先的奢侈品牌提供金属部件的设计、制造和涂层服务。Coeurdor的业务是由皮包、皮带、手表和其他奢侈品组成。

欧瑞康巴尔查斯与 MTU Aero Engines 签订了为期十年的合同,旨在为下一代航空发动机部件涂层提高效率

通过这份长期协议,欧瑞康巴尔查斯在为航空航天业提供先进的表面处理技术和涂层方面又迈出了一大步。 德国领先的航空发动机制造商 MTU Aero Engines 将受益于薄膜物理气相沉积 (PVD) 的领先供应商及其设备组合的工业化、专有技术和专业知识,从而能够在很短的时间内就能提供一致且可重复的产品质量。

欧瑞康巴尔查斯 75 年:对可持续表面解决方案的无尽热情

欧瑞康巴尔查斯庆祝其 75 岁生日。1946 年,Max Auwärter 教授提出了如何在工业上使用当时鲜为人知的真空薄膜技术的想法。自 80 年代以来,这家总部位于列支敦士登的公司采纳了他的想法,并专注于对可持续创新的热情,这些创新显着提高了各行各业工具和精密零部件的性能和使用寿命。

欧瑞康巴尔查斯参加 EMO 2021:尽自己所能的用可持续的涂层解决方案的提高生产力

欧瑞康巴尔查斯于 2021 年 10 月 4 日至 9 日在米兰的 EMO 展上展示了其最新的涂层和设备开发以及数字化服务。这些创新可以为客户延长工具使用寿命、提高工艺可靠性、提升生产率,同时也能减少环境破坏的足迹,并能显着节省生产成本。


欧瑞康巴尔查斯为宝马集团的兰茨胡特工厂提供塑料部件金属化的涂层设备和解决方案。欧瑞康巴尔查斯开发的 ePD 技术可实现创新的功能和设计,并符合 REACH 环境法规。 9 月,宝马集团凭借其全新全电动紧凑型 SUV BMW iX 的创新塑料概念获得大奖。欧瑞康巴尔查斯用于生产新设计的肾形格栅的可持续传感器透明涂层和成型工具涂层都为该奖项做出了贡献。



欧瑞康巴尔查斯推出用于外科器械的BALIMED ANTHRACITE涂层


欧瑞康巴尔查斯推出的BALINIT MOLDENA涂层是一种高度耐磨和耐腐蚀的涂层,可用于填充聚合物的注塑和挤压模具


欧瑞康巴尔查斯的新型 BALIQ ANTOS涂层在攻丝中实现高工艺可靠性

BALIQ ANTOS涂层得益于均匀的磨合技术,大大提高了产量,客户将受益于高工艺可靠性和更长的工具使用寿命。

欧瑞康巴尔查斯的新型 BALINIT MAYURA 涂层可实现有色金属材料加工和成型的最高精度和生产率

BALINIT MAYURA是一种用于有色金属材料冲压的新型碳基涂层。在生产中,制造商和终端客户将受益于更长的工具使用寿命和更高的生产率。



欧瑞康巴尔查斯与ITP Aero签署了一份为期十年的合同,将在ITP Aero的下一代航空发动机部件上使用其先进的PVD涂层

欧瑞康巴尔查斯与ITP Aero公司签署了一份为期10年的合同,将欧瑞康新型先进高温耐磨涂层BALORA TECH PRO涂层应用于普惠加拿大公司PW800涡扇发动机的部件上,该发动机为新型湾流G500/G600和达索猎鹰6X公务机提供动力。

提高具有挑战性材料的精密加工:欧瑞康巴尔查斯推出PVD涂层BALIQ TISINOS PRO

欧瑞康巴尔查斯凭借BALIQ TISINOS PRO涂层树立了新的行业标准。这种PVD涂层专为加工硬化钢、不锈钢或高温合金而开发,在硬加工硬度高达70 HRC的钢时,可减少刀具的负荷,显著提高耐磨性。客户将受益于更长的刀具使用寿命和高质量的生产输出。







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