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Passion for surface solutions: from our beginnings in 1946 until today

1946 - 2021: De la o idee, la un lider global în tehnologie

De 75 de ani, Oerlikon Balzers este lider la nivel mondial în descoperiri inovatoare și tehnologii în acoperirile cu film subțire. Ne dezvoltăm pasiunea pentru soluțiile de tratare a suprafețelor cu o combinație unică între sustenabilitate, forță inovatoare, spirit antreprenorial și tradiție. De acest lucru beneficiază clienții noștri și mediul înconjurător - în trecut, în prezent și în viitor.

Explorați 75 de ani de Oerlikon Balzers

Prima acoperire dură PVD de la Balzers pentru scule, BALINIT® A, a fost oficial concepută pe data de 1 septembrie 1978. De atunci, Oerlikon Balzers scrie istorie cu un succes fără precedent, mai întâi ca pioner în domeniul acoperirilor, iar mai apoi ca lider de piață.


Filtru cronologie

Cu susținerea Principelui Franz Joseph al II-lea și a industriașului elvețian Emil Georg Bührle, Profesorul Max Auwärter a înființat Gerätebauanstalt Balzers

Obiectivul a fost acela de a facilita utilizarea la scară industrială a tehnologiei de acoperire cu film subțire în vid, tehnologie puțin cunoscută și cercetată în mică măsură. Din moment ce la acea vreme nu existau instalațiile și echipamentele necesare pentru producția acoperirilor cu film subțire, compania le-a dezvoltat și le-a produs pe plan intern. Primele aplicații de succes au fost acoperirile pentru protecția împotriva razelor soarelui și anti-reflexii pentru lentilele oftalmologice, acoperirile anti-reflexii pentru lentilele de cameră, filtre optice și reflectoare, precum și filme subțiri pentru aplicații electronice.

  • Cu susținerea Principelui Franz Joseph al II-lea și a industriașului elvețian Emil Georg Bührle, Profesorul Max Auwärter a înființat Gerätebauanstalt Balzers

Balzers ia decizia de a dezvolta acoperiri PVD de culoare galben-auriu și rezistente la zgârieturi pentru industria ceasurilor

Oerlikon-Bührle Holding AG devine singurul proprietar al companiei

Primele versiuni experimentale ale sculelor de formare acoperite cu TiN s-au bucurat de succes (durata de viața a sculelor a fost crescută cu un factor de 4)

În data de 1 septembrie s-a dat startul oficial pentru dezvoltarea și comercializarea acoperirilor dure PVD pentru scule cu BALINIT® A

Pentru prima dată sunt prezentate la o expoziție din Germania burghie elicoidale cu acoperire realizată de Balzers.

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Italia

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Germania, Spania și SUA.

Prima aplicare a acoperirilor pe componentele de precizie

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Marea Britanie.

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Franța

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Japonia

Introducerea acoperirii pe bază de carbonitrură de titan BALINIT® B.

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Suedia

Introducerea acoperirii cu carbon BALINIT® C (WC/C)

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Belgia

Balzers trece la curățarea cu ultrasunete, fără CFC.

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în India

Noile acoperiri TiAlN BALINIT® FUTURA și BALINIT® X.TREME fac posibile prelucrarea în mediu uscat și prelucrarea materialelor dure

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Coreea și Elveția.

Introducerea acoperirii BALINIT® DIAMOND

Introducerea acoperirii hibride BALINIT® HARDLUBE

Primele centre de aplicare a acoperirilor în Austria, Singapore și Mexic

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Brazilia.

Componente acoperite BALINIT în autovehiculul de 3 litri care a fost produs pentru prima dată în serie pe plan mondial (VW Lupo 3L TDI)

Introducerea acoperirii cu carbon BALINIT® DLC. Oerlikon-Bührle Holding își schimbă denumirea în "Unaxis".

Introducerea BALINIT® FUTURA NANO, prima acoperire cu nanostructură

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Luxembourg.

Introducerea acoperirii pe bază de nitrură de aluminiu și titan BALINIT X.CEED

Introducerea acoperirii pe bază de nitrură de crom BALINIT® CNI

Este publicat ghidul acoperirilor Balzers pentru scule de prelucrare prin așchiere

Introducerea "Generation 6", o nouă generație de acoperiri. Balzers aniversează 25 de ani de existență a BALINIT®. Primele centre de aplicare a acoperirilor în Polonia, Portugalia și Olanda.

Introducerea acoperirii pe bază de nitrat de crom și aluminiu din "Generation 6": BALINIT® ALCRONA

Primele centre de aplicare a acoperirilor în China și Ungaria. Este publicat ghidul acoperirilor Balzers pentru scule de formare.

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Thailanda

Introducerea celei de a doua acoperiri pe bază de crom și aluminiu denumită "Generation 6": BALINIT® HELICA. Noul sistem de acoperire RS 90 pentru acoperire de serie mare. Primele centre de aplicare a acoperirilor în Argentina și Canada. Introducerea acoperirilor superioare cu carbon BALINIT® BALINIT® DLC STAR

Inovația tehnologică cu propria tehnologie P3e™ brevetată care permite depunerea acoperirilor dure pe bază de oxid de aluminiu la temperaturi de acoperire cu mult sub 600°C

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Republica Cehă. Începând cu 1 septembrie 2006, Balzers devine Oerlikon Balzers Coating și preia experiența industrială de sute de ani și punctele forte tradiționale ale corporației Oerlikon.

Prezentarea BALINIT® ALDURA, noul tip de acoperire personalizată inovatoare cu structură duală. Inaugurarea primelor centre de aplicare a acoperirilor în România și Turcia.

Achiziționarea VST Keller, cu sediul în Schopfheim, Germania. VST Keller aduce Grupului Oerlikon tehnologia PPD™ inovatoare și ecologică.

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor deschis în Finlanda și în Indonezia

Alte patru centre de aplicare a acoperirilor inaugurate în Asia. Pentru prima dată în istoria sa, Oerlikon Balzers a depășit în 2008 limita de 500 milioane CHF în vânzări.

Deschiderea celui de al 5-lea centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în Japonia, al 5-lea centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în India și al 7-lea centru de aplicare a acoperirilor în China

Primul centru de aplicare a acoperirilor din Rusia - situat în Elektrostal lângă Moscova - începerea producției în martie

Achiziționarea Grupului Hartec, cu sediul în Germania, specializat în acoperiri PVD. Hartec este renumit pentru tehnologia sa PVD unică și ecologică pentru acoperiri decorative și funcționale pentru materiale plastice.

Inovație tehnologică cu propria tehnologie S3p brevetată

S3p® reprezintă soluția HiPIMS industrializată și viabilă din punct de vedere economic de la Balzers. Lansarea noului sistem de acoperire INGENIA - rapid, flexibil și compact. Introducerea pe piață a BALINIT® PERTURA – o acoperire dintr-o singură sursă pentru aplicațiile de găurire, amplificându-se productivitatea și fiabilitatea proceselor de producție. Extinderea centrului de acoperire și implementarea primei fabrici PPD (Pulse Plasma Diffusion) în Asia, în Busan (Corea). Deschiderea celui de al 8-lea și al 9-lea centru de aplicare a acoperirilor din China, în Chongqing și Jinan, precum și deschiderea celui de al 3-lea centru de aplicare a acoperirilor din Polonia, în Kędzierzyn-Koźle.

Lansarea următoarei generații a tehnologiei PPD ca substitut al placării cu crom.

Prezentare a acoperirilor BALIQ pe bază de S3p la EMO 2013 în Hanovra/Germania.

Rețeaua unică de aplicare a acoperirilor a Oerlikon Balzers cuprinde în prezent 93 de locații în 34 de țări.

Un plus de rezistență pentru nivelul următor.

În data de 3 iunie 2014, Oerlikon a anunțat încheierea cu succes a tranzacției pentru achiziționarea Metco de la Sulzer AG. Combinația Metco cu divizia de acoperiri existentă a companiei Oerlikon va rezulta într-un lider al tehnologiei globale în soluții de tratare a suprafețelor sub conducerea lui Roland Herb ca CEO al Segmentului de Soluții de Tratare a Suprafețelor.

Deschiderea primului centru de competență auto în Europa

În cadrul unei Ceremonii Grand Opening cu numeroși invitați de onoare și clienți, Oerlikon Balzers a deschis primul său centru de competență european pentru acoperiri destinate segmentului auto. Noua fabrică din Veľká Ida de lângă marele oraș slovac Košice este parte a strategiei generale a companiei Oerlikon Balzers pentru piața auto.

EMO 2015: Oerlikon Balzers prezintă BALINIT ALTENSA, acoperirea PVD pentru danturarea ultrarapidă

Viteze de tăiere foarte mari, productivitate maximizată, durate de viață mult mai lungi – acestea sunt rezultatele testelor finale efectuate cu acoperirea pe bază de AlCrN BALINIT ALTENSA, dezvoltată de Oerlikon Balzers pentru a avansa tendințele fundamentale în aplicațiile auto și de inginerie mecanică. Cu BALINIT ALTENSA, prezentată pentru prima dată la EMO 2015 în Milano/Italia, producătorii auto și furnizorii au raportat deja rezultate excepționale într-o gamă vastă de aplicații de danturare.

EMO 2015: Oerlikon Balzers prezintă sistemul de acoperire INNOVENTA mega extrem de productiv

Noul INNOVENTA mega redefinește de asemenea punctele de referință ale productivității. În prezent, cu cel mai mare sistem de acoperire din portofoliu se obțin volume de producție foarte mari cu scule, precum freze sau burghie: timpii medii de producție a unui lot mai mici de cinci ore sunt tipici. Acesta poate cuprinde piese de lucru cu înălțimi mai mari de un metru și un diametru de 96 cm. Cu posibilitatea de încărcare a unor greutăți de până la 3000 kg, aceasta este platforma ideală pentru acoperirea matrițelor voluminoase sau a pânzelor de fierăstrău. INNOVENTA mega poate gestiona întreaga gamă de acoperiri BALINIT, precum și designurile acoperirilor personalizate, pentru o gamă vastă de aplicații. Punerea rapidă în funcționare, utilizarea simplă și nivelul mare de reproductibilitate sunt caracteristici suplimentare. În ultimul rând, INNOVENTA mega completează ideal sistemele mai compacte ale Balzers, INNOVA și INGENIA.

Launch of BALINIT FORMERA / FORMERA PLUS – the coating solution for AHSS forming applications

Deschiderea celui de al 5-lea Centru pentru asistență clienți în Coreea de Sud

Oerlikon Balzers deschide cel de al 5-lea Centru pentru asistență clienți în Coreea de Sud, în Gwangju. “Coreea este o veritabilă poveste de succes a Oerlikon Balzers. Acest centru nou ne va permite să oferim un serviciu de livrare cu termeni scurți pentru clienții noștri din industria sculelor de formare / aparatură casnică și pentru clienții noștri din industria automobilelor, din zona prosperă Gwangju”, afirmă Marc Desrayaud, șeful departamentului Tooling Solutions al Oerlikon Surface Solutions.

Extinderea unității de producție Automotive Solutions în Bengaluru, India

Noua clădire Automotive Solutions triplează dimensiunea centrului existent de servicii Oerlikon Balzers din orașul situat în sudul Indiei. Prin investiția semnificativă din viitor și în piața din India, Oerlikon Balzers poate acum să ofere clienților săi din diferite industrii servicii mai bune și mai rapide, precum și un portofoliu extins pentru componente de precizie, orientat spre piața auto, dar și spre piața aeronautică, petrol și gaze, medicină, industria textilă și industria de prelucrare.

70 de ani de inovație

În 1946, a fost înființat “Gerätebau-Anstalt”. Prof. Max Auwärter, Franz Josef al II-lea Principe de Liechtenstein și antreprenorul Emil G. Bührle, au avut ideea revoluționară de a dezvolta procesele de fabricație în domeniul acoperirilor subțiri și construirea echipamentului necesar pentru implementarea acestora în industrie. Astfel, pentru prima dată, procesul și echipamentul au devenit o singură unitate, fiind oferite și vândute, de asemenea, împreună - un model de afacere care s-a bucurat de un succes excepțional mai bine de 70 de ani.

Oerlikon Balzers preia compania franceză specializată în acoperiri DMX

Expertiza DMX ne permite să ne consolidăm în continuare poziția noastră ca lider pe piața componentelor medicale de înaltă precizie, precum și pe piața sculelor de formare, aflată în creștere rapidă. Acestea sunt două segmente principale de piață ale noastre.

Launch of BALIQ UNIQUE – When art meets innovation

Oerlikon Balzers announces the Design Line range

Launch of INLENIA coating systems - for ultra smooth surfaces

Oerlikon Balzers achieves Nadcap accreditation in Guelph

Oerlikon Balzers acquires Primateria

Oerlikon Balzers launches BALIFOR M, an MoN coating

Oerlikon Balzers wins the A3TS Innovation Award 2017 with BALIFOR M

Oerlikon Balzers launches BALIFOR T, ta-C coating

Launch of BALINIT TURBINE PRO – a turbine blade coating

Oerlikon acquires Finnish surface engineering company DIARC Technology Oy

Oerlikon has acquired DIARC Technology Oy, a provider of surface engineering technologies and services in Finland. The acquisition will enhance the range of technologies provided by Oerlikon Balzers in the automotive and precision components industries and expand its portfolio of surface treatments.

Oerlikon acquires Swiss CVD equipment manufacturer Sucotec AG

Oerlikon has acquired Sucotec AG, a Swiss manufacturer specializing in CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition) equipment for the tools market. The acquisition enhances the range of products and services provided by Oerlikon Balzers, which focuses on PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) and PACVD (Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition).

Oerlikon Balzers opens doors of largest coating centre for tools in Europe

Coating specialist Oerlikon Balzers opened its new plant in Bielefeld with a two-day event attended by guests – both customers and experts – from the areas of politics and the economy. The coating centre combines the expertise from three previous locations on a floor space of 6,000 square metres with cutting edge surface technologies for machining, forming and plastics processing. Customers from many different sectors are to benefit, from the automotive and pharmaceutical industries to tool making.

Oerlikon Balzers and Oerlikon Metco, Friction Systems, inaugurate joint production facility in Nagoya, Japan

The Oerlikon Group, a leading global technology provider of market-leading technologies and services, announced the inauguration of a new production plant in Nagoya, Japan, on June 7. The company will leverage synergies to further strengthen the excellent market position of Oerlikon Balzers and Oerlikon Metco Friction Systems in Japan’s top car manufacturing industry area.

Oerlikon Balzers opens largest production centre in Slovakia for heat treatment of automotive components

Oerlikon Balzers, a leading provider of surface solutions, has inaugurated its second production centre in Veľká Ida, Slovakia. The new plant marks another stage in Oerlikon’s growth strategy in the automotive industry, a major investment which meets the highest quality and environmental standards and offers automotive manufacturers state-of-the-art heat treatment processes. Together with the service centre opened in 2015, the Veľká Ida plant now represents Oerlikon Balzers' largest and most important site for coating and heat treating of automotive components.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces primeGear, a customised and integrated service package to realise unmatched gear cutting tool performance

primeGear is an all-round service package consisting of detailed analysis, consultation and tailored solutions for production. From treating tools and establishing optimal machining/ environmental conditions to the basic materials and designs, Oerlikon Balzers’ experts determine the crucial improvements which can be made in the production chain.

Oerlikon Balzers expands automotive surface treatment portfolio with heat treatment acquisition in Germany

Oerlikon, a leading provider of surface solutions, has signed and closed a targeted acquisition in Germany to expand its plasma nitriding service offering for customers and to strengthen its position in the automotive market. Härterei Dipl.- Ing. Peter Eicker KG (Eicker), a specialised heat treatment supplier for the automotive industry, will now operate under the Oerlikon Balzers brand.

Oerlikon Balzers inaugurates largest customer centre in India in the presence of guests of honour

On 12 October, Oerlikon Balzers India, a leading provider of surface solutions, inaugurated its largest Indian production centre in Manesar in the presence of Hereditary Prince Alois of Liechtenstein and Dr Doris Frick, the Ambassador of Liechtenstein in Switzerland. The new facility represents a further major commitment by Oerlikon Balzers to the Indian market as it continues to grow, and this significant investment in the future and in India will allow Oerlikon Balzers to serve its customers across various industries even more effectively.

Launch INNOVENTA kila at JIMTOF: The next level of flexibility, productivity and connectivity when it comes to PVD coatings!

For JIMTOF Oerlkon Balzers launch INNOVENTA kila. INNOVENTA kila has the preferred coating system size for most production requirements and perfectly masters smaller to larger quantities. The successor of the best-selling INNOVA meets all your expectations with compelling elegance. It's the perfect coating system for tools, and also R&D. Entirely compatible with the INNOVENTA family.

Oerlikon Balzers receives Qualified Supplier status for BALINIT C coatings on copper alloys

Oerlikon deepens partnership with Airbus: Oerlikon Balzers receives Qualified Supplier status for BALINIT C coatings on copper alloys.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces BALIMED medical coatings

Oerlikon Balzers introduced its new BALIMED portfolio, comprising seven highly advanced coatings that meet the demanding requirements of today’s medical instruments and components industry. These low-friction and wear-resistant ThinFilm coatings offer higher cost efficiency and contribute to improved patient outcomes thanks to their biocompatible, antimicrobial and chemically inert properties.

Oerlikon Balzers continues expansion with new customer centre in China

Oerlikon Balzers held the Grand Opening Ceremony with guests of honour and customers to inaugurate its new coating centre in Dongguan, China. A much larger production space was required in Dongguan in order to process the rapidly growing order volume of recent years. Oerlikon Balzers started its coating business in China in 2004. The new customer centre is now the second largest in China.

Oerlikon Balzers opens new Customer Centre and celebrates 20 year in Mexico

On 4 April 2019, Oerlikon Balzers opened a new customer centre in Querétaro, Mexico. At the opening ceremony Oerlikon Balzers Mexico also celebrated its 20-year anniversary with customers and guests of honour. This new site represents another key milestone in Oerlikon Balzers’ growth strategy, as it allows the company to respond to the increased demand from the automotive industry for its sustainable highquality coatings and heat treatments.

Oerlikon Balzers builds Competence Centre for sustainable metallisation of plastics with a chrome look

On 7 May 2019, Oerlikon Balzers laid the foundation stone for its new Competence Centre in Bisingen, Germany. Once open in April 2020, components made from plastic, primarily for the automotive sector, will be metallised with a chrome look using sustainable ePD technology on a site covering several thousand square metres. More than 100 new jobs will be created at the Bisingen Competence Centre, which will enable Oerlikon Balzers to meet the high demand and ever increasing requirements of its customers from the automotive sector.

Oerlikon Balzers celebrates 15-year anniversary in China

Oerlikon Balzers has celebrated the 15th anniversary of its first Chinese customer centre in Suzhou. The company started production in China back in 2004 with 20 employees and has grown rapidly over the years, today boasting 13 customer centres and several hundred employees. The management invited the team members from the very beginning for a special anniversary dinner to celebrate their unique contribution over the last 15 years.

Oerlikon Balzers inaugurates two customer centres in Sweden

in 2019, Oerlikon Balzers opened two new customer centres in Sweden, the first in Eriksberg on 28 May and the second in Köping a day later. With these two new customer centres, Oerlikon Balzers is pursuing its strategy of being as close as possible to its customers, which shortens delivery times and routes, improves customer service and helps the company reduce its carbon footprint.

Oerlikon Balzers launches BALINIT MILUBIA and BALINIT NALUBIA

Ceramic seal discs in sanitary fittings, pneumatic valves, ceramic shafts and pump bearings as well as components in pumps and compressors are exposed to extreme friction over a long period of time. To keep these devices running reliably for longer, Oerlikon Balzers has developed BALINIT MILUBIA and BALINIT NALUBIA; hydrogen-free hard carbon coatings that protect components against wear from frequent use and at elevated temperatures.

Oerlikon Balzers hosted the first Oerlikon Balzers Surface Solutions Symposium

The first Surface Solutions Symposium for Precision Components attracted 75 attendees, among them customers and industry thought leaders, who met to network and share their perspectives on what will shape the future of component coatings across a number of different industries.

Oerlikon Balzers unveils BALINIT TISAFLEX for machining difficult-to-cut materials at the highest level

BALINIT TISAFLEX from Oerlikon Balzers is a high-end coating solution that offers superior oxidation resistance, high thermal stability and exceptional wear resistance, making it perfect for machining challenging materials such as titanium, nickel-based alloys and stainless and hardened steel, which are being used more and more in the aerospace, 3C (Computers, Communications and Consumer electronics) and mould-making industries.

Oerlikon Balzers unveils BALIQ CARBOS and CARBOS STAR

Oerlikon Balzers has developed new amorphous hydrogen-free carbon (a-C) coatings, BALIQ CARBOS and BALIQ CARBOS STAR, which deliver an exceptional combination of high hardness, low friction and low roughness for applications with extreme contact pressures and sliding velocities.

Oerlikon Balzers receives Bosch quality excellence award for high-quality component coatings

Oerlikon Balzers has received a “ZERO defects certificate” from Bosch in recognition of supplying components coatings of the highest quality in 2018. By delivering products with no defects, Oerlikon Balzers made a substantial contribution to the continuous improvement in quality for the world-leading automotive supplier.

SUCOTEC: Oerlikon Balzers launches its new CVD equipment for the tools market

Oerlikon Balzers launched at EMO 2019 its new CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition) equipment for the tools market in three different sizes: SUCOTEC kila, mega and giga. SUCOTEC complements the range of products and services provided by Oerlikon Balzers, which mainly focuses on PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) and PACVD (Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition).

BALIQ AUROS: The new high-performance coating for threading tools

For high-quality threading tools, Oerlikon Balzers developed the high-performance BALIQ AUROS coating. This extremely smooth and wear-resistant AlCrN-based coating is combined with a top coating to prevent the tool surface from welding with the workpiece material, which improves performance and ensures high process reliability.

Digital services and smart coating solutions from Oerlikon Balzers

Oerlikon Balzers showcased its latest coating and equipment developments and its new digital services at EMO in Hanover from 16 to 21 September 2019. Encompassing the full coating process, from the moment the order is placed through to delivery, these high-quality, future-oriented services offer a wide range of benefits for customers.

Oerlikon Balzers France celebrates 30 years in Limoges customer centre

On 1 and 2 October Oerlikon Balzers invited special guests and customers to celebrate the 30th anniversary of its customer centre in Limoges, France. Limoges is best known as Oerlikon Balzers' competence centre for the motorsports industry, offering coating solutions for precision components used in high-performance engines.

Oerlikon Balzers inaugurates forming tools facility and celebrates 25 years in India

Oerlikon Balzers celebrated 25 years of operations in Pune, India, on 12 October 2019. Customers, guests of honour and employees gathered for the event, which also marked the inauguration of the new forming tools centre, a demonstration of Oerlikon Balzers’ continued commitment to the growing Indian market.

Oerlikon Balzers launches the METAPLAS.DOMINO kila flex coating equipment

The METAPLAS.DOMINO kila flex offers particularly high flexibility thanks to its two doors, which allow fast loading and unloading and a possible upgrade to automated loading and unloading.

Oerlikon acquired diamond coating technology leader, D-Coat, in Germany

Oerlikon has acquired D-Coat GmbH, a leading provider of diamond coating technology in Germany. The acquisition expands Oerlikon Balzers’ portfolio of surface treatment technologies, especially for cutting tools applied in the aerospace and automotive industries.

New global Competence Centre for PDC (Plastic Design Components) opens in Bisingen, Germany

Mit der Inbetriebnahme unseres neuen Standortes, bieten wir nun auch die Lohnbeschichtung von Kunststoff-Spritzguss-Komponenten aus den verschiedensten Industriebereichen, wie Automotive, Konsumgüter und Haushaltsgeräte an: Metallisierte Kunststoffbeschichtungen auf Basis unserer ePD-Technologie. Neben dem Beschichtungsservice, wird das Kompetenzzentrum Bisingen vor allem für den Verkauf von INUBIA Beschichtungsanlagen verantwortlich sein und hierzu interessierte Kunden bei der Planung, dem Aufbau und der Inbetriebnahme eigener Beschichtungskapazitäten unterstützen.

  • Oerlikon Balzers Competence Centre Bisingen
  • Oerlikon Balzers Competence Centre Bisingen

Oerlikon Balzers delivers first INUBIA B15 to automotive OEM for metallizing an exterior plastic component

High-quality plastic components with high-gloss metallic or matt surfaces and a chrome look are widely used in many industries they offer functional properties and add value to the product. Both the INUBIA B6 and B15 PVD coating systems metallize plastic parts in compliance with REACH without the use of harmful substances. They provide smooth, glossy and scratch-free coatings with high durability and high adhesion on a wide range of polymers.

Airbus qualifies Oerlikon Balzers’ high-end coating system for REACH-compliant component coatings using BALINIT C

Oerlikon Balzers has received qualification from Airbus for its RS 50 coating system, which uses the latest carbon coating technology. The RS 50 is located in Ferrières-en-Brie near Paris, a major Aerospace certified production facility of Oerlikon Balzers. The coating system has been selected and approved by Airbus to secure REACH-compliant PVD coatings with BALINIT C.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces REACH-compliant BALINIT PROTEC coating for industrial gas turbine compressors

Three key factors can impair performance of industrial gas turbine compressors: Solid Particle Erosion (SPE), Water Droplet Erosion (WDE) and corrosion of turbine blades. If undetected, these problems will reduce efficiency and increase costs for operators of power generation plants. BALINIT PROTEC from Oerlikon Balzers, is a REACH-compliant coating specifically developed to make industrial gas turbine compressors significantly more efficient and protect against corrosion and erosion.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces BALIMED TICANA coating for dental abutments and instruments

Oerlikon Balzers has introduced BALIMED TICANA, a PVD coating specifically designed for dental abutments and instruments that meets the stringent requirements of modern dentistry. The innovative coating is the same colour as human gums, which makes it discreet, and it also offers functional properties that help ensure patients get the very best long-term healthcare. The new BALIMED TICANA coating represents another step forward in Oerlikon Balzers’ growth strategy in the medical industry.

Oerlikon Balzers France awarded Nadcap Merit Status

Oerlikon Balzers has received Nadcap Merit Status for all the coating technology used in its customer centre Ferrières-en-Brie, France. The Merit Status means a less frequent audit schedule and is “a sign of trust in the ongoing commitment to quality”, according to the Performance Review Institute, which administers Nadcap.

Oerlikon Balzers opens new application support centre for pre- and post-treatment in Sweden

Oerlikon Balzers has opened a new application support centre in Uppsala, Sweden, for the pre- and post-treatment of cutting tools for the automotive industry. Not only does the new location give customers an information and consulting centre: it also serves as a training centre for new employees and apprentices, so that Oerlikon Balzers staff can keep up-to-date with the latest pre- and post-treatment technology and offer first-class service to customers around the world.

Oerlikon Balzers receives GreenCo Certification and Platinum Quality Excellence Award in India

Oerlikon Balzers India has received GreenCo Silver Certification from the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and has been awarded first prize (Platinum) in the Quality Excellence competition organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI). These awards recognise Oerlikon Balzers’ contribution towards an ecologically sustainable business model and to improving the customer experience by providing quality goods and services in India.

Oerlikon Balzers recognised by Bosch as Best Supplier of Surface Treatments

Oerlikon Balzers has received the Bosch “Best Supplier of Surface Treatments” award for 2019. The company was recognised for providing excellent quality with its high-end coatings applied to precision components for the world’s leading automotive supplier.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces new BALORA portfolio featuring the next generation of MCrAlY coatings based on PVD Arc technology

Oerlikon Balzers has introduced its new BALORA portfolio of coatings which offers revolutionary properties for applications in high-temperature environments, such as in the aerospace and power generation markets. The first coating from the new portfolio, BALORA PVD MCrAlY, represents the next generation of high-density MCrAlY coatings, which use Oerlikon Balzers’ proven PVD Arc surface and equipment technologies to form an outstanding barrier against oxidation and hot corrosion inside the hot section of turbines.

Oerlikon Balzers expands service offerings in the US with largest customer centre in the western USA

The new coating centre is the largest in the western USA and is equipped with the latest coating technology, allowing Oerlikon Balzers to supply coating services for the precision components industry and for cutting, plastic/aluminium injection and metal forming tools.

Oerlikon Balzers further expands coating operations in Asia with first customer centre in Vietnam

The new coating centre in Bac Ninh, north east of the Vietnamese capital Hanoi, is an important milestone in the company’s expansion strategy in Asia and will create new opportunities for Oerlikon Balzers to offer its high-quality and well-established coating services in Vietnam’s emerging economy.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces BALINIT DURANA, a versatile coating for demanding machining applications.

The combination of AlTiN-based and TiSiXN layers gives BALINIT DURANA a high degree of ductility and superior abrasive wear resistance even at extreme service temperatures. A tailored coating structure and its properties reduce abrasive wear. Customers benefit from a significant increase in performance and above-average tool life of their cutting tools.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces its new BALDIA portfolio of high-quality diamond coatings

Diamond provides special properties: it is extremely wear-resistant due to its unsurpassed hardness, offers thermal conductivity and is chemically inert, making it the best choice for machining highly abrasive base materials. The diamond coatings from the BALDIA portfolio improve cutting performance and allow parts to be manufactured with tightest tolerances for the best possible finishing accuracy.

Oerlikon Balzers opens new regrinding centre in Russia to expand its range of services for cutting tools

Oerlikon Balzers opened a new regrinding centre in Moscow in response to the demand from global and local customers for reconditioning services for their high-end cutting tools, including re-coating and delivery. With the new centre in Russia, Oerlikon Balzers now operates reconditioning service centres in 18 countries in Europe, North and South America and Asia.

Oerlikon acquires Coeurdor to expand into the growing luxury goods market

Oerlikon announces the successful acquisition of Coeurdor, a leading full-service provider of components for the fast-growing luxury goods industry. Coeurdor is a well-established brand and full service provider for the design, manufacturing and coating of metallic components to world-leading luxury brands. Coeurdor’s accessories form parts of leather bags, belts, watches and other luxury goods.

Oerlikon Balzers signed a ten-year contract with MTU Aero Engines to coat next generation aero engine components to improve efficiency

With this long-term agreement, Oerlikon Balzers takes another major step forward in supplying advanced surface technologies and coatings for the aerospace industry. MTU Aero Engines, Germany’s leading aero engine manufacturer, will profit from the industrialisation, know-how and expertise of a leading supplier of thin-film physical vapour deposition (PVD) and its equipment portfolio by enabling the delivery of consistent and repeatable product quality in a short period of time.

75 years of Oerlikon Balzers: endless passion for sustainable surface solutions

Oerlikon Balzers celebrates its 75th birthday. In 1946, Professor Max Auwärter had an idea for how to make the then largely unknown vacuum thin-film technology usable on an industrial scale. Since the 1980s, the Liechtenstein-based company has taken his idea and focused on its passion for sustainable innovations which significantly improve the performance and service life of tools and precision components in a wide range of industries.

Oerlikon Balzers at EMO 2021: Maximum productivity with sustainable coating solutions

Oerlikon Balzers has showcased its latest coating and equipment developments and digital services at EMO in Milan from 4 to 9 October 2021. These latest innovations give customers extended tool service life, higher process reliability, increased productivity and a reduced environmental footprint, while significantly saving production costs.

Sustainable automotive production: Oerlikon Balzers’ coating solutions contribute to innovative plastics concept award for premium car manufacturer

Oerlikon Balzers supplied coating equipment and solutions for the metallisation of plastic parts to the BMW Group Plant Landshut. The ePD technology developed by Oerlikon Balzers enables innovative functions and designs, and complies with REACH environmental regulations. In September, the BMW Group won the Grand Award for its innovative plastics concept of its all new full-electric compact SUV, the BMW iX. Both the sustainable sensor-transparent coatings and the coatings for the moulding tools from Oerlikon Balzers for the production of the newly designed kidney grille contributed to the award.

Oerlikon Balzers wins Technology Innovation Award for surface treatment in the automotive industry

Oerlikon Balzers is awarded the Technology Innovation Award by AutoRevista, the leading Spanish trade magazine for the automotive industry. This award recognises the growth achieved in Spain by Oerlikon Balzers, which has offered a diverse and sustainable coating portfolio in this industrial sector for decades.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces BALIMED ANTHRACITE SATIN for surgical instruments

Designed specifically for surgical instruments, the anthracite colored coating provides anti-glare properties, sharper cutting edges and excellent wear resistance over time, even after multiple autoclave cycles.

Oerlikon Balzers launches BALINIT MOLDENA, a highly abrasion and corrosion resistant coating for injection moulding and extrusion of filled polymers

Its superior abrasive and corrosion resistance makes it perfect for applications with glass fibre reinforced plastics (GFRPs) and fully recycled materials while ensuring a longer mould service life and delivering high-quality products.

High process reliability in tapping with the new BALIQ ANTOS coating from Oerlikon Balzers

BALIQ ANTOS increases considerably production output thanks to its homogenous running-in behaviour. Customers benefit from high process reliability and longer tool service life.

New BALINIT MAYURA coating from Oerlikon Balzers enables maximum precision and productivity for machining and forming non-ferrous materials

BALINIT MAYURA is a new carbon-based coating for machining and forming non-ferrous materials. Manufacturers and end users benefit from longer tool service life and higher productivity in the manufacturing process.

Oerlikon Balzers wins the Magna Supplier Innovation Award 2022 with its Smart Coatings

Oerlikon Balzers has won the Magna Supplier Innovation Award 2022 in the “Transmission Solutions” category with its Smart Coatings. Magna’s powertrain division, one of the world’s leading Tier 1 automotive suppliers, had invited companies for the fifth time to submit their ideas for future and sustainable powertrains in its “Supplier Innovation Challenge”. Oerlikon Balzers took first prize with its idea to use thin-film coatings as sensors for real-time monitoring of automotive components, a development which once again underscores the innovative power of Oerlikon’s technology.

Oerlikon Balzers signed a ten-year contract with ITP Aero to use its new advanced PVD coating on ITP Aero’s next generation aero engine components

Oerlikon Balzers has signed a ten-year contract with ITP Aero to apply Oerlikon’s new advanced high-temperature wear resistant coating BALORA TECH PRO on components of the Pratt & Whitney Canada PW800 turbofan engine that powers the new Gulfstream G500/G600 and Dassault Falcon 6X business jets.

Enhancing precision machining for challenging materials: Oerlikon Balzers introduces PVD coating BALIQ TISINOS PRO

Oerlikon Balzers has set a new industry standard with BALIQ TISINOS PRO. Developed specifically for machining hardened steels, stainless steels or high-temperature alloys, this PVD coating reduces the load on the tool and significantly improves wear resistance when hard machining steels with a hardness of up to 70 HRC. Customers benefit from longer tool service life and high-quality production output.

The "Smooth Revolution" celebrates its anniversary: The first BALIQ coatings were introduced 10 years ago

Coatings that make history: The next generation of coatings based on Oerlikon Balzers' proprietary S3p technology.

Oerlikon Balzers adds the METAPLAS.DEGAS to its PVD system portfolio

Optimum adhesion of PVD coatings requires a substrate free of dust, dirt, oil, fingerprints and other contaminants. METAPLAS.DEGAS degasses substrates under vacuum at high temperature. This process effectively cleans the substrates, enabling the best possible adhesion of the coating and shortening the subsequent coating process in the PVD system.

Oerlikon Balzers France: Nadcap Merit Status renewed for 24 months

The Ferrières-en-Brie site in France, part of Oerlikon Balzers, has recently undergone an audit and has been awarded Nadcap Merit Status for its entire coating technology for another 24 months. The Merit Status extends the audit cycle for re-accreditation and is ‘a sign of trust in the ongoing commitment to quality’, according to the Performance Review Institute managed by Nadcap.

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