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BALINIT CNI coated meat cutting blades are significantly harder and maintain sharpness even with coating thicknesses of up to 6 µm.

Meat cutting
The advantages of BALINIT-coated components:
  • Higher surface hardness, meaning less particle abrasion
  • Less danger of galling due to ceramic-like surface
  • Damage-free cleaning due to higher surface hardness
  • FDA approved coating solution
  • Long-lasting sharpness of punches and knives
  • Attractive colours
  • Excellent release and non-stick properties
Soluzione Materiale di rivestimento Tecnologia Coating Durezza del rivestimento HIT [GPa] Coefficiente d’attrito (a secco) vs. acciaio Massima temp. di esercizio [°C] Temperature di processo [°C]
CrN Sputter 18 +/-3 ~0.5 700 < 250

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