올리콘발저스와 올리콘메트코, 두 브랜드는 거의 2년 동안 올리콘 그룹의 표면 솔루션즈 세그먼트에서 함께 협력해 왔습니다.
세계에서 가장 권위있는 건물 중 하나, 그리고 항공 우주 및 자동차 산업용 인텔리전트 코팅 솔루션 – 일상 생활 속의 표면 솔루션에 관한 발저스와 그 고객의 노력에 대한 놀라운 이야기를 확인해보십시오!
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올리콘발저스와 올리콘메트코, 두 브랜드는 거의 2년 동안 올리콘 그룹의 표면 솔루션즈 세그먼트에서 함께 협력해 왔습니다.
세계에서 가장 권위있는 건물 중 하나, 그리고 항공 우주 및 자동차 산업용 인텔리전트 코팅 솔루션 – 일상 생활 속의 표면 솔루션에 관한 발저스와 그 고객의 노력에 대한 놀라운 이야기를 확인해보십시오!
Faster, lighter, hotter – the biggest challenges that engine developers face can be thus summarized. To reach them, aviation engineers rely on Oerlikon Metco coating solutions. Aircraft engines are subject to extreme loads, and one of the most important factors influencing aircraft performance. Oerlikon Metco developments significantly increase their efficiency.
Drytec Trans-Canada, a long-standing Oerlikon Metco customer and paint and grit blasting expert, relied on the Metco 16E wire combustion spray gun for the zinc coating of the spire of One World Trade Center in New York.
Everything that sparkles, glitters and shines attracts the attention of us humans. Not for nothing are products containing attractive metal-look components in vogue, and often perceived to be of high quality. Cars and electrical devices, the kitchen and the bathroom all contain fine chrome-look plastic parts. The commonest chrome plating methods however pose hazards to the environment and people, especially the chromium (VI) compounds used in galvanic coatings. From 2017, the European Union REACH regulation shall prohibit the use of chromium (VI) compounds. Oerlikon Balzer’s new ePD technology metallizes plastic parts in an environmentally and health-friendly way.
Hydropower turbines are subjected to enormous forces and damage mechanisms. Over time, erosion and cavitation lead to major efficiency losses and a marked reduction in useful lifetime. To hinder this, turbine manufacturers rely on hightech coatings from Oerlikon Balzers and Oerlikon Metco.
If in today‘s world, in which life is determined by excess and speed, a company‘s goal is an annual product volume of only 300 units, these must be very special products. The Swedish luxury watch manufacturer Halda’s motto has been “Never compromise on quality” since 1887. No wonder they found a congenial partner in Oerlikon Balzers – on earth and in space.
The development of tailored tool coatings plays an especially key role in increasing cutting speeds, raising productivity and lowering costs for demanding gear-cutting processes. The amazing performance dimensions that can now be achieved are demonstrated in customer tests of Oerlikon Balzers’ BALINIT ALTENSA.
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