
Versatile, full strength, high performance drilling

无论是不锈钢还是铸铁,无论是首次使用还是重涂:以其独特的纳米结构,BALINIT® PERTURA 在切削多种挑战性材料时提高了生产率,并在困难的应用条件下增加了工艺可靠性。

PERTURA—— BALINIT® FUTURA 和HELICA 涂层的继任者,快来体验吧。其纳米层结构保证了残余应力、硬度和断裂韧性的最佳平衡,从而可持续防止裂纹延伸。这实现了比其他涂层更高的切削速度,同时延长了工具寿命,甚至在深孔钻削或使用微量润滑时。

  • 非常高的耐磨性
  • 极高的工具稳定性
  • 极其光滑的表面
  • 完美适用于微量润滑
  • 卓越的抗氧化性
  • pdf (48.75 KB)

    Drilling of steel at moderate cutting conditions

    Drilling of steel at moderate cutting conditions
  • pdf (49.47 KB)

    Drilling of steel at high speed and feed

    Drilling of steel at high speed and feed
  • pdf (49.28 KB)

    Drilling of cast iron

    Drilling of cast iron
  • pdf (48.48 KB)

    Drilling of hot work steel

    Drilling of hot work steel
  • pdf (48.33 KB)

    Counterboring in steel at low cutting speed

    Counterboring in steel at low cutting speed
  • pdf (47.9 KB)

    Drilling of stainless steel

    Drilling of stainless steel
  • pdf (51.38 KB)

    BALINIT® PERTURA increases productivity by +85% at drilling of steel

    BALINIT<sup>®</sup> PERTURA increases productivity by +85% at drilling of steel
  • pdf (50.26 KB)

    Drilling in unalloyed steel(forged): 20% increased cutting speed, 60% tool life increase

    Drilling in unalloyed steel(forged): 20% increased cutting speed, 60% tool life increase

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