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Shareholders approved dividend increase

Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2015

  • All proposed resolutions accepted
  • Third consecutive dividend increase; fourth dividend payout in a row
  • Dr. Michael Süss elected as Chairman of the Board
  • Dr. Mary Gresens and Johan Van de Steen voted in as new Board Members
  • All Board Members who stood for re-election and all nominated Members of the Human Resources Committee approved


Pfäffikon, SZ / Lucerne, April 8, 2015 – At Oerlikon’s Annual General Meeting today, shareholders approved all resolutions recommended by the Board, including the 11 % dividend increase, which amounts to a payout of CHF 0.30 per share for 2014. This is the fourth dividend payout and the third successive dividend increase.

288 shareholders attended Oerlikon’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at the KKL Luzern in Lucerne, Switzerland, representing 66.65 % of the total share capital.

Complying with the developments in Swiss corporate governance standards, shareholders were given direct involvement to vote on the maximum aggregate prospective total compensation of the Board, the maximum aggregate prospective fixed and the retrospective variable compensation of the Executive Committee. All three items were accepted by shareholders.

Dr. Michael Süss was elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Dr. Mary Gresens and Johan Van de Steen were both voted in as Members of the Board. Re-elected as Board Members were Mikhail Lifshitz, Gerhard Pegam and Hans Ziegler. Additionally, shareholders approved the re-election of Hans Ziegler and the election of Dr. Michael Süss and Dr. Mary Gresens as Members of the Human Resources Committee. All elected Board Members will serve a one-year term.

“It is an honor for me to accept on behalf of all shareholders the position as Oerlikon’s Chairman of the Board of Directors,” commented Dr. Michael Süss. “The company has a solid foundation, generating strong operational performance and has promising innovative technologies. I look forward to supporting the company in its further growth.”

The voting results from Oerlikon’s 2015 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting are available at

For further information, please contact:

Thomas Schmidt

Thomas Schmidt

Head of Group Communications

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