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Oerlikon approves share buyback program

Pfäffikon SZ , 9 August, 2007 - On 8 August, 2007, the Board of Directors of OC Oerlikon Corporation AG approved a share buyback program of maximum 2.59% of the share capital. The share buyback covers 366,858 registered shares (2.59% of the company's share capital) which, with the existing own stock of the company, corresponds to maximum 10% of the issued share capital and the votes.

The share buyback program starts on 9 August, 2007 and will end at the latest on the date of the ordinary general meeting in 2009. The company reserves the right to end the buyback program at any time. No separate trading line will be opened for the share buyback program. Repurchases will be traded at market price.

For further information, please contact:

Thomas Schmidt

Thomas Schmidt

Head of Group Communications

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