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  • Documents

    • pdf (1.24 MB)


    • pdf (3.1 MB)

      INVENTA kila - Step into a new dimension in PVD Arc Technology

      INVENTA kila - Step into a new dimension in PVD Arc Technology
    • pdf (2 MB)

      INNOVENTA, INGENIA - High-performance PVD systems

      INNOVENTA, INGENIA - High-performance PVD systems
    • pdf (3.49 MB)

      METAPLAS.DOMINO - The flexible PVD platform for your needs

      METAPLAS.DOMINO - The flexible PVD platform for your needs
    • pdf (9.27 MB)

      INUBIA B6 & B15 - The next generation in polymer metallization

      INUBIA B6 & B15 - The next generation in polymer metallization
    • pdf (597.11 KB)

      After Sales Services - Up and Running

      With our worldwide After Sales Services, we provide you with support for every aspect of your coating system.

      After Sales Services - Up and Running
    • pdf (793.77 KB)


      The next step in digitalisation for your coating equipment


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