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Temos o maior prazer em enviar-lhe a literatura do produto e material informativo. Envie um e-mail com os documentos que deseja e o seu endereço de e-mail.
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“Sustainability is nothing new for Oerlikon – what’s new is that we are talking about it so transparently,” says Georg Stausberg, Chief Sustainability Officer at Oerlikon. In 2021, Oerlikon published its first sustainability report. We talked with Georg Stausberg and Dr. Sven Hicken, Chief Technology Officer of the Surface Solutions Division.
The year 2020 has brought a great deal of change. In this edition of BEYOND SURFACES we include a “special”, giving you a unique insight into how our employees around the world have taken on the challenge of the initial months of the Covid-19 pandemic with commitment and creativity. We are also taking the magazine title quite literally and are looking “beyond surfaces” into the second pillar of the Oerlikon Group, our synthetic-fiber business.
Around 7.75 billion people live in the world - and the number is growing. At the same time we are getting older and older. This is pushing health care systems worldwide to their limits: We are trying to counteract this trend with innovations. Oerlikon provides solutions along the entire process chain in this highly regulated and complex medical technology market. With the new issue of our magazine BEYOND SURFACES we are taking these aspects into account.
Aerospace is one of the most fascinating industrial sectors. Not only because the dream of flying has fascinated mankind for many centuries. But also because the components of an aircraft are exposed to extreme conditions. This poses particular challenges for engineers. For this reason, we have dedicated an issue of our magazine BEYOND SURFACES to the subject of aviation.
In this edition of BEYOND SURFACES we delve into the history of manufacturing technology which is nearly as old as that of mankind. And it is constantly changing. Currently, manufacturers are working on networking and digitizing their factories – often summarized with the buzzwords Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory. Additive manufacturing (3d printing) is seen as the next revolution in manufacturing technology.
Faster, more durable, lighter, more economical - these properties are readily used to characterize the products of our modern world. At Oerlikon, our association here is primarily that of resource efficiency: reduced losses due to friction, less wear, less material employed, less fuel consumed, to cite some examples. In this issue of BEYOND SURFACES, our customers tell about their very specific solutions and our staff and partners report on their passion to make things faster, more durable, lighter and more economical.
In the latest edition of BEYOND SURFACES, we turn our attention to the topic of materials. Find out why many of the conveniences we take for granted today were originally only made possible thanks to innovations in the materials sector. Read all about the role materials play in additive manufacturing and why expertise in the development of modern materials is often the key to success.
The constant demand for lighter and stronger materials, the need for higher productivity and energy efficiency, improving environmental sustainability and coping with scarce resources are just some of the key challenges that our customers face. In this edition of BEYOND SURFACES, you will find some inspiring examples of our solutions in practice, including how we help to get aviation innovation projects off the ground.
In this edition of Beyond Surfaces we have put the focus on ‘Technology & Innovation’. This is because the staff at Oerlikon Balzers and Oerlikon Metco are constantly at work every day to develop new technologies and solutions for you, our customers, so your needs can be met. We want to show you where this passion comes from and how we implement it in market-oriented innovations.
BEYOND SURFACES shows you, how, and for what our heart beats, and how people, markets and technologies merge to create this successful “story”, which is lived each and every day and with great passion within the Surface Solutions Segment.
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