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Polymer Processing Solutions

Polymer Processing Solutions: Transforming Into a Growth Platform

Polymer Processing Solutions achieved record orders and sales and significantly improved its operational EBITDA margin, attributable also to the accretive acquisition of INglass. The increases in sales and order intake were noted across all regions, particularly driven by the higher demand for filamentand texturing equipment, as well as by strong demand for non-filament solutions such as plant engineering and carpet yarn solutions in the U.S.

The Division accelerated its diversification strategy in 2021 with the acquisition of INglass, and will continue to diversify organically and through bolt-on acquisitions in high-growth non-filament business. Areas with growth potential include its newly acquired HRSflow control systems, carpet yarns, nonwovens, geotextiles and after-sales customer services.

As digitalization continues to gain momentum in being adopted in the polymer processing solutions markets, the division is well positioned at the forefront with smart factory and Industry 4.0-compliant solutions to support customers in increasing efficiency in yarn and textile manufacturing or in providing digital customer services such as remote monitoring. Moreover, the division is investing in R&D to develop innovative sustainable production solutions in areas such as biopolymers and polymer recycling, which will help to drive reductions in energy, emissions and resources used.

Driving Top-Line Growth

  • Reinforce market leadership in filamen equipment.
  • Transform into a growth platform by further diversifying into non-filament.
  • Leverage digitalization opportunities.
  • Pioneer sustainability solutions.

Driving Higher Profitabilit

  • Further improve operating leverage.
  • Continued focus on cost control.