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Media Library

Welcome to our Media Library. Here you can find customer magazines and photos of stakeholders, solutions and our headquarters.

In this section, you can download our technology brochure as well as our customer magazines “Beyond Surfaces” and “Fibers & Filaments”. They connect people, markets and technologies to tell exciting stories focused on our shared passions.

  • pdf (2 MB)

    Fibers & Filament No 39

    Fibers & Filament No 39
  • pdf (4.01 MB)

    Fibers & Filament No 38

    Fibers & Filament No 38
  • pdf (1.93 MB)

    Fibers & Filament No 37

    Fibers & Filament No 37
  • pdf (10.97 MB, 01/2022)

    Beyond Surfaces 10 - Sustainability

    “Sustainability is nothing new for Oerlikon – what’s new is that we are talking about it so transparently,” says Georg Stausberg, Chief Sustainability Officer at Oerlikon. In 2021, Oerlikon published its first sustainability report. We talked with Georg Stausberg and Dr. Sven Hicken, Chief Technology Officer of the Surface Solutions Division.

    Beyond Surfaces 10 - Sustainability
  • pdf (5.55 MB)

    Fibers & Filament No 36

  • pdf (2.41 MB)

    Fibers & Filament No 35

    Fibers & Filament No 35
  • pdf (6.4 MB, 02/2020)

    Beyond Surfaces 09 - Opportunity

    The year 2020 has brought a great deal of change. In this edition of BEYOND SURFACES we include a “special”, giving you a unique insight into how our employees around the world have taken on the challenge of the initial months of the Covid-19 pandemic with commitment and creativity. We are also taking the magazine title quite literally and are looking “beyond surfaces” into the second pillar of the Oerlikon Group, our synthetic-fiber business.

    Beyond Surfaces 09 - Opportunity
  • pdf (4.08 MB)

    Fibers & Filament No 34

    Fibers & Filament No 34
  • pdf (3.94 MB)

    Fibers & Filament No 33

    Fibers & Filament No 33
  • pdf (11.01 MB, 01/2020)

    Beyond Surfaces 08 - Medical Technologies

    Around 7.75 billion people live in the world - and the number is growing. At the same time we are getting older and older. This is pushing health care systems worldwide to their limits: We are trying to counteract this trend with innovations. Oerlikon provides solutions along the entire process chain in this highly regulated and complex medical technology market. With the new issue of our magazine BEYOND SURFACES we are taking these aspects into account.

    Beyond Surfaces 08 - Medical Technologies
  • pdf (2.49 MB, 32)

    Fibers & Filament No 32

     Fibers & Filament No 32
  • pdf (3.97 MB)

    Fibers & Filament No 31

    Fibers & Filament No 31


Thomas Schmidt

Thomas Schmidt

Head of Group Communications

© Copyright 2024 OC Oerlikon Management AG

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