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Aerospace compressors

Oerlikon Balzers PVD coatings protect compressor blades against erosion and corrosion. This improves fuel efficiency and maintains the surface finish of the blades.

Aerospace compressors

BALINIT TURBINE PRO offers outstanding protection from solid particle erosion and liquid droplet erosion without effecting your components fatigue life.

Çözüm Kaplama malzemesi Kaplama Teknolojisi Kaplama sertliği Sürtünme katsayısı (kuru) - çelik Maks. servis sıcaklığı [°C] Proses sıcaklığı [°C]
TiAlN Arc 32 +/- 2 ~0.6 700 < 500
TiN Arc 30 +/- 3 ~0.6 600 < 500

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