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Beyond Surfaces #9 - Opportunity

Errors not allowed: Marc Hervé runs with a niche. But it‘s very fast ...; Materials for Giants: Computational material development in mining; Spot on materials: Plasma; Turbo-charged innovation with suspension plasma spray; Spot on aplikácia; Hidden champions of mobility.

Beyond Surfaces #9 - Opportunity

The year 2020 has brought a great deal of change. In this edition of BEYOND SURFACES we include a “special”, giving you a unique insight into how our employees around the world have taken on the challenge of the initial months of the Covid-19 pandemic with commitment and creativity. We are also taking the magazine title quite literally and are looking “beyond surfaces” into the second pillar of the Oerlikon Group, our synthetic-fiber business.

With this edition, we are celebrating a small but important anniversary: The first issue of BEYOND SURFACES was published five years ago. Two years earlier, Metco had joined the Oerlikon Group, and this magazine was created to introduce our customers to the solutions offered by the two brands, Oerlikon Balzers and Oerlikon Metco.

Since then, the Oerlikon Group has undergone significant changes. Today, it is a “Powerhouse of Materials and Surface Solutions.” Our newest business unit, Additive Manufacturing, which focuses on the industrialization of additive manufacturing methods, represents an important augmentation of the Oerlikon Balzers and Oerlikon Metco portfolio.

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Errors not allowed

Marc Hervé runs with a niche. But it‘s very fast …

On his own time, he takes to the road in a modest family vehicle. But when he advises his customers, everything revolves around Formula 1 racing cars, Moto-GP bikes or Formula E racing cars, and above all the question: Which coating will make them a decisive tenth of a second faster than the competition? Marc Hervé drives performance in a niche and knows the secrets of the big and famous in motorsports.

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Spot on: materials

Plasma: the entity that enables innovation in surface solutions

In our Spot on materials series, we have so far presented solid, tangible materials, such as nickel or titanium. This time, we focus on an “entity” (ancient Greek: plasma) without which modern surface solutions would be inconceivable.

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Machining with carbon power

The future is lead-free — at least as far as brass and copper materials are concerned. This is leading to completely different material properties and behavior during machining. The automotive industry, among others, is noticing the effects. In their search for new solutions, manufacturers are being supported by innovative companies such as Werkö, a German manufacturer of precision cutting tools, and Oerlikon Balzers.

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Spot on: aplikácia

Stále dosť trecieho potenciálu

Na jednej z prvých hodín fyziky v škole sme sa dozvedeli: Keď dôjde k pohybu medzi dvoma kontaktnými telesami, dochádza k treniu. Vedci skúmajú, ako je možné tento efekt využiť - alebo sa mu vyhnúť. Tu zohrávajú rozhodujúcu úlohu povlaky.

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The wheel reinvented

How BALINIT CROMA PLUS literally keeps the business going …

Without the wheels, rollers and casters made by Blickle, much more than Europe’s postal logistics centers would be at a standstill. There are many other sectors in which the company, ranked third in the world market, keeps business running — including in Blickle’s own injection molding production. And there, the adoption of BALINIT CROMA PLUS has reduced the levels of both maintenance and waste.

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Kvantita pri 100%-nej kvalite

Zaistenie plynulých a efektívnych procesov vo vnútri motora

Ihly trysiek v systémoch Common Rail so vznetovým motorom majú veľkosť iba niekoľko milimetrov, ale zohrávajú hlavnú úlohu pri zabezpečovaní plynulých a efektívnych procesov motora. Vitesco Technologies, divízia pohonov spoločnosti Continental, má tieto ihly potiahnuté BALINIT DLC. Ako však zabezpečiť, aby kvalita týchto malých súčiastok bola úplne správna, keď ich je niekoľko miliónov?

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Kontaktujte nás

Petra Ammann

Petra Ammann

Head of Communications Oerlikon Balzers

© Copyright 2025 OC Oerlikon Management AG

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