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Passion for surface solutions: from our beginnings in 1946 until today

1946 - 2021: De la o idee, la un lider global în tehnologie

De 75 de ani, Oerlikon Balzers este lider la nivel mondial în descoperiri inovatoare și tehnologii în acoperirile cu film subțire. Ne dezvoltăm pasiunea pentru soluțiile de tratare a suprafețelor cu o combinație unică între sustenabilitate, forță inovatoare, spirit antreprenorial și tradiție. De acest lucru beneficiază clienții noștri și mediul înconjurător - în trecut, în prezent și în viitor.

Explorați 75 de ani de Oerlikon Balzers

Prima acoperire dură PVD de la Balzers pentru scule, BALINIT® A, a fost oficial concepută pe data de 1 septembrie 1978. De atunci, Oerlikon Balzers scrie istorie cu un succes fără precedent, mai întâi ca pioner în domeniul acoperirilor, iar mai apoi ca lider de piață.


Filtru cronologie

Oerlikon acquired diamond coating technology leader, D-Coat, in Germany

Oerlikon has acquired D-Coat GmbH, a leading provider of diamond coating technology in Germany. The acquisition expands Oerlikon Balzers’ portfolio of surface treatment technologies, especially for cutting tools applied in the aerospace and automotive industries.

New global Competence Centre for PDC (Plastic Design Components) opens in Bisingen, Germany

Mit der Inbetriebnahme unseres neuen Standortes, bieten wir nun auch die Lohnbeschichtung von Kunststoff-Spritzguss-Komponenten aus den verschiedensten Industriebereichen, wie Automotive, Konsumgüter und Haushaltsgeräte an: Metallisierte Kunststoffbeschichtungen auf Basis unserer ePD-Technologie. Neben dem Beschichtungsservice, wird das Kompetenzzentrum Bisingen vor allem für den Verkauf von INUBIA Beschichtungsanlagen verantwortlich sein und hierzu interessierte Kunden bei der Planung, dem Aufbau und der Inbetriebnahme eigener Beschichtungskapazitäten unterstützen.

  • Oerlikon Balzers Competence Centre Bisingen
  • Oerlikon Balzers Competence Centre Bisingen

Oerlikon Balzers delivers first INUBIA B15 to automotive OEM for metallizing an exterior plastic component

High-quality plastic components with high-gloss metallic or matt surfaces and a chrome look are widely used in many industries they offer functional properties and add value to the product. Both the INUBIA B6 and B15 PVD coating systems metallize plastic parts in compliance with REACH without the use of harmful substances. They provide smooth, glossy and scratch-free coatings with high durability and high adhesion on a wide range of polymers.

Airbus qualifies Oerlikon Balzers’ high-end coating system for REACH-compliant component coatings using BALINIT C

Oerlikon Balzers has received qualification from Airbus for its RS 50 coating system, which uses the latest carbon coating technology. The RS 50 is located in Ferrières-en-Brie near Paris, a major Aerospace certified production facility of Oerlikon Balzers. The coating system has been selected and approved by Airbus to secure REACH-compliant PVD coatings with BALINIT C.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces REACH-compliant BALINIT PROTEC coating for industrial gas turbine compressors

Three key factors can impair performance of industrial gas turbine compressors: Solid Particle Erosion (SPE), Water Droplet Erosion (WDE) and corrosion of turbine blades. If undetected, these problems will reduce efficiency and increase costs for operators of power generation plants. BALINIT PROTEC from Oerlikon Balzers, is a REACH-compliant coating specifically developed to make industrial gas turbine compressors significantly more efficient and protect against corrosion and erosion.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces BALIMED TICANA coating for dental abutments and instruments

Oerlikon Balzers has introduced BALIMED TICANA, a PVD coating specifically designed for dental abutments and instruments that meets the stringent requirements of modern dentistry. The innovative coating is the same colour as human gums, which makes it discreet, and it also offers functional properties that help ensure patients get the very best long-term healthcare. The new BALIMED TICANA coating represents another step forward in Oerlikon Balzers’ growth strategy in the medical industry.

Oerlikon Balzers France awarded Nadcap Merit Status

Oerlikon Balzers has received Nadcap Merit Status for all the coating technology used in its customer centre Ferrières-en-Brie, France. The Merit Status means a less frequent audit schedule and is “a sign of trust in the ongoing commitment to quality”, according to the Performance Review Institute, which administers Nadcap.

Oerlikon Balzers opens new application support centre for pre- and post-treatment in Sweden

Oerlikon Balzers has opened a new application support centre in Uppsala, Sweden, for the pre- and post-treatment of cutting tools for the automotive industry. Not only does the new location give customers an information and consulting centre: it also serves as a training centre for new employees and apprentices, so that Oerlikon Balzers staff can keep up-to-date with the latest pre- and post-treatment technology and offer first-class service to customers around the world.

Oerlikon Balzers receives GreenCo Certification and Platinum Quality Excellence Award in India

Oerlikon Balzers India has received GreenCo Silver Certification from the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and has been awarded first prize (Platinum) in the Quality Excellence competition organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI). These awards recognise Oerlikon Balzers’ contribution towards an ecologically sustainable business model and to improving the customer experience by providing quality goods and services in India.

Oerlikon Balzers recognised by Bosch as Best Supplier of Surface Treatments

Oerlikon Balzers has received the Bosch “Best Supplier of Surface Treatments” award for 2019. The company was recognised for providing excellent quality with its high-end coatings applied to precision components for the world’s leading automotive supplier.

Oerlikon Balzers introduces new BALORA portfolio featuring the next generation of MCrAlY coatings based on PVD Arc technology

Oerlikon Balzers has introduced its new BALORA portfolio of coatings which offers revolutionary properties for applications in high-temperature environments, such as in the aerospace and power generation markets. The first coating from the new portfolio, BALORA PVD MCrAlY, represents the next generation of high-density MCrAlY coatings, which use Oerlikon Balzers’ proven PVD Arc surface and equipment technologies to form an outstanding barrier against oxidation and hot corrosion inside the hot section of turbines.

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