BALORA™ PVD MCrAlY is the next generation of high-density MCrAlY coatings, which use PVD Arc technology for components inside the hot section to withstand the extreme conditions and prevent hot corrosion and component oxidation.
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BALORA™ PVD MCrAlY is the next generation of high-density MCrAlY coatings, which use PVD Arc technology for components inside the hot section to withstand the extreme conditions and prevent hot corrosion and component oxidation.
Javasolt megoldás | Bevonat anyaga | Bevonatolási technológia | Bevonat keménység HIT [GPa] | Súrlódási együttható acéllal (szárazon) | Max. üzemi hőm. [°C] | Eljárás hőmérséklete | |
NiCrAlY (Ni, Ni/Co, Co) | Arc | 7 - 11 | - | 1200 | 400 - 500 |
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