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Hydraulic piston pumps

BALINIT C (WC/C) - and BALINIT DLC coating of plungers, valve plates or shoes reduce stick- slip of large radial piston pumps and improve service life of axial piston pumps.

Advantages: Friction reduction and therefore less energy consumption by large radial piston pumps, replacement of bronze shoes and valve plates by coated steel parts for higher performance and material cost savings.

Javasolt megoldás Bevonat anyaga Bevonatolási technológia Bevonat keménység HIT [GPa] Súrlódási együttható acéllal (szárazon) Max. üzemi hőm. [°C] Eljárás hőmérséklete
a-C:H:Me (WC/C) Sputter 10 - 15 0,1 – 0,2 300 < 250
- - - - - -
a-C:H PACVD ~15-25 0,1–0,2 300 < 250

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